Our environmental policy

Landvetter Airport Hotel AB is a hotel that also operates a restaurant and conference facilities at Landvetter Airport.

Landvetter Airport Hotel's goal is to constantly work preventively to minimize the environmental impact that may arise in connection with the products and services we buy and deliver.

We want to achieve this by:

• Follow the environmental laws and requirements that apply to our business.

• Try to reduce the company's energy consumption by choosing energy-efficient alternatives, such as district heating, LED lamps etc.

• Reduce our food waste from the restaurant by using as much as possible of the ingredients and being aware of consumption so that as little as possible is thrown away.

• Set environmental requirements on partners and suppliers.

• Choose environmentally friendly company cars and transport services.

• Use as few environmentally hazardous substances / chemicals as possible and choose environmentally friendly alternatives.

• In our purchases, choose environmentally adapted products and services, and coordinate orders to as few as possible.

• All staff shall have good knowledge in the environmental field through environmental training and continuous work at department level.

• Develop waste sorting more, by becoming even better at handling packaging especially from restaurant.

• Compile the results of our environmental work annually.

• Inform our guests about our environment work.


Patrik Turnesjö, Managing Director